Wingfield, Emma C. “Complex Geometries: Creativity, Motif, and the Study of Contemporary Handwoven Cloth from Côte D’Ivoire.” African Arts Journal 56, no. 3 (2023): 34–43.
Wingfield, Emma C. “Going Beyond Trees and Rhizomes: How Biomimicry Can Inform Collaborative and Multi-disciplinary Learning in the Digital Age.” In Feminist Critical Digital Pedagogy, edited by Suzan Koseoglu and George Veletsianos. EdTech Books, 2023.
Wingfield, Emma C. “Cloth as Archive: Contemporary Dioula Weaving in Northern Côte d’Ivoire.” V&A Museum (blog), May 4, 2022.
PhD Thesis
Wingfield, Emma C. “Mapping Interconnected Threads: Contemporary Dioula Handwoven Cloth, Motif Development, and Creativity in Côte d’Ivoire 1970-2023.” PhD Thesis, to be submitted in February 2024.